Tuesday, November 27, 2018

BLADED WEAPONS - Rapier - Basic western-european personal weapon in the infantry and the navy ( therefore used by most of the Villains in the series, like the Swedes )

Rapiers are as common to western-european soldier as sabres as to the Poles.

They are simple swords, famous for being used by THREE MUSKETEERS and in plenty other period movies. 

They are perfect for duels, but not really a weapon used often on the battiefield, since all of the western-european armies ( among them the Swedes ) rely haavily on their fire power. 

In other words, rapiers are used more for decorative reasons, or to show the rank or for duels, they are not supposed to be used on the battlefield, tho, it might happen.

Rapiers are used more often by the western-european infantry or navy than cavalry, since cavalry does indeed use bladed weapons during the battle, so they use a heavier version of rapiers - broadswords.

Some of the factions that use rapiers:

- Swedish
- English / British
- Prussians
- City of Gdansk
- Courlanders
- Austrians
- Danes
- Dutch 

Rapiers are very rarely used by the polish troops, tho they are seen among the corsairs crew of "Mars" since some of those crewmembers are recruited in Gdansk, which is largely influenced by western-european culture and some others have their roots in other western-european cities or provinces... 

Depending on the material status of the users, rapiers may differ a lot, since most of them are simple in construction, others might be expensively decorated, with curved features and symbols, or sunk in silver and golden element, even ivory etc. 



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