Thursday, November 29, 2018

OTHER ARMY EQUIPMENT - Gorget/Bevor - a decorative element of "armor" often worn by polish soldiers

Gorget/bevor is a very distinctive feature among polish soldiers, uncommon in other factions.

Ot's this type of amor that is not really to protect, but is kind of a relict of the past, a symbol of knighthood, that polish nobility likes to wear to show that they are descendants of the medieval knights or that they are knights themselves. 

So it's like men nipples really, kinda we don't need tham for anything, but they are they and we would look stupid without them ;)
And we have them because our fast evolution allowed us not to use them, but our prehistoric ancestors probably did ;)

Bevors/gorgets come in different types and sizes, as You will see on the pictures, they could be rather small, just hanging on a chain, or be much much bigger. 
They would often feature different symbols, like religious ones ( Mother of God beeing very popular as majority of polish soldiers were roman catholics ), crosses, personal motives, personal mottos, family crest etc etc.

I'd like our main hero - KIZERO - to wear one, that would be not too small, not to be, just look cool, with his family crest on it.
Also some other heroes among Poles and Corsair will use this feature, like HALIBEK and many others.

Tho, they won't use it in tropical climates of course, since it will be rather too hot there, to wear these kind of things, and also their "uniforms" will be might lighters, sleeveless etc. 



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