Monday, November 26, 2018

CHARACTER PROFILES - additional materials that I would like to use in comic books ( or online, to promote the series )

One of my favorite featurs in comic books that I remember from my childhood years, were those character profiles that would clip two different stories in one issue.

You woulnd'u usually find them in original american series, since both Marvel and DC Comics, used to publish rather short stories, without any additional materials. All of the additional material was usually published in special series, like "Official Marvel Handbook" or "Who's who in DC Comics" etc etc.

Since polish issues ( that's where I'm from ) were only reprinting american stories, they could easily combine more stories and additional material in a single issue - thus, we would usually have two american issue combined in a single polish issue plus some extra materials, like these character profiles, which were placed between two original stories and after the last comic page.

And this was really cool. More then cool, it was absolutely awesome!

Why? Because I would constantly wonder "who will they present in the next month". And usually there would be two profiles - one of a good guy, one of a bad guy - sometimes even 3 or more, sometimes only one or even none.

Usually a character profile would be represent that of a hero/villain important to the story showed in that particular issue, sometimes it would be this character's debut in the series as well.

Tho, sometimes there would be not connection at all,  just like there can be covers presenting characters that don't even "star" in a particular issue.

So in other words, there simple pieces of art, single panels with a single character on them, were as important, or even more important, than carefully disigned pages of the actual comic books.

They were as crucial to selling these series to me, a kid, as the characters and plots inside.

Therefore I would really love to have them in my own series, to present them in comic books, if they will be published, or to simply use them online for promotional reasons.

These are just simple designs, characters in a simple pose, in their uniforms and with their weapons, with some additional info placed next to them, like their name/nickname, their skills, a little biography etc. etc.

This refers not only to main heroes, but also to some background characters as well, henchmen, troopers, vehicles, bases, hideouts etc.

So, if we would have a Batman, for example, then we could make profiles for him, as well as for his Batmobile, Bat Cave, Bat Jet, Alfred, Commisioner Gordon, villains, simple goons, and even for Batman's equipment, like Batarangs, etc etc,     

So, when it comes to doing Corsair, there could be profiles dedicated to heroes, villains, as well as their vessels, their fortresses and bases, polish troopers, swedish troopers, english troopers, their weapons like sabres, rapiers, muskets, other equipment etc etc.

Tho, when it comes to troopers and equipment that will appear in large quantities, I'd like these profiles to be a bit different - for example, a profile about polish dragoons or swedish reiters could feature more of them, like two but in different poses, or one in the front and one in the background, one on a horse and one in full scale etc.
And with weapons, it would be cool to present additional art refering to the way they were used, like to have smaller pics of soldiers loading their muskets and firing them, next to a much bigger picture of the actual musket.

There could be also other kinds of additional materials, as I'd like to have a set of profiles dedicated not only to single people, or types of troops, or weapons, but to whole factions, like to have one dedicated to Sweden, to Holland, to Gdansk, Poland and all others...

In this case, every faction would be presented with their flags, maps of their territories, portaits of rulers, a lineup of their most common troopers and some others...



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